Saturday, March 20, 2010


Here's my latest art homework from Ryman Arts :)
Over the last three weeks, we've had the opportunity to draw using conte (conti?) charcoal in brown/burnt sienna, black and white. Because I was sitting down on the floor in front of the wolf, it was soo funny it here all the little kids say "Mommy, mommy, that girl is drawing a werewoof!" They would then proceed to howl...and howl...and howl...
It was very cute :) and all the nice comments throughout the day were encouraging! It made it very fun :) it is:

And...this is what happens to me when I finish it at home...LET's GO TP-ing!

P.S. Taken with new 24-70 2.8! Yeah for zoom. 
Of course, because I'm working art and school like crazy, I've had no photo time! Get ready though, some pretty great photo shoots coming up soon! Then you'll really get to see the new (L-Series!!!!) in action...


  1. beautiful!

    i love the colors, very realistic


  2. carley! It's hayley! how are you such an amazing artist and photographer?! not fair! lol. it's so cool that you have a blog too!

  3. these are amazing! extremely realistic!

  4. the wolf is stunning, carly. i'm so impressed

  5. hey! I found your blog on google. I was trying to convince my boyfriend we should buy his sister a holga for a graduation present so I was looking up holga images and found some of yours, which are awesome by the way. I am an artist also, and I just wanted to compliment the depth of your wolf drawing. His ear I especially love. Conte is fun stuff, for sure.
    Anyway, hope you're not too creeped out!
