Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oldies, but Goodies

This is me in Gustavus, Alaska wearing a borrowed beanie, Cheap Monday blue jeans, American Apparel Sweatshirt, and my boots with the most memories. That's a great bike too :)

Close up of the old work boots.

The original picture taken with my holga.

This acrylic differs a little from the original because I used a different picture as a reference, but it hopefully captures the same serenity.

These are pictures that are actually from Alaska or just remind me of Alaska. I finally finished this acrylic painting that took about 15 movies long (I watched a heck of a lot of movies) and made me enjoy the complexity of clouds (they are SOOO much more difficult than they look!).
Ok, movies I watched:
Extract (me no likey)
He's just not that into you
Bourne Identity
Edge of Love
Pride and Prejudice
House Sitters
10 Things I Hate About you
(This was only 1 weekend)
This is only the beginning of many hours lost to art, or gained :), depending the perspective.

Besides many lost hours...
This week was so cool because I finished the Alaska painting at the same time it rained LIKE Alaska, forcing me to wear something I wore IN Alaska.


  1. Carly, I love your painting! What size is the canvas?

  2. love the painting, it's really calm and serene. beautifully done.
    great holgas too!


  3. the canvas is small, very small actually. sort of pathetic that it took me as long as it did. O well, second painting ever.
    turns out even though it was 2 weeks late she gave me an A+ and wants it framed :)
